How you can use office desk reservation software.

How you can use office desk reservation software.

Change has been catalyzed by the Coronavirus pandemic – but in a downward trend. Since health and safety have become the highest priorities, economic activities worldwide have slowed down or ceased to operate. National security has suffered because of the health crisis. Companies adapted by letting their employees work from home for a period of time. Food, medicine, utility, communication, and healthcare sectors were the only sectors permitted to operate with a skeleton workforce.

 Desk booking is what it sounds like.

Through office booking software, office space, resources, and assets are managed and maximized. In a corporate building, office spaces include desks, cubicles, workstations, meeting rooms, conference rooms, coworking spaces, car parking spaces, collaboration spaces, and private offices. Laptops, projectors, TV screens, conference phones, speakers, and other work-related equipment are resources and assets simultaneously.

Software that manages office space and facilities is known as hot desk booking software. Through its web browser, company computer, or mobile app, business owners and their team members can book or reserve workspaces.

What are the benefits of using the Office Desk Reservation Software in the workplace?

The Desk booking system is necessary in the workplace for a multitude of reasons. Their primary goal is to ensure the safety of team members as they return to work during the pandemic and risk contracting Coronavirus.

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Booking system for desks by DeskFlex

With DeskFlex hot desk management software, organizations can transition to the office or school in a safe and secure manner, thanks to the COVID-compliant software features.

Software Features Compliant with COVID

The only software technology that can provide these program functions is DeskFlex hot desk management software:

For the promotion of Social Distancing protocols:

  • Scheduling in a dynamic environment

When someone reserves an office space or desk, dynamic scheduling automatically disables nearby desks and workstations that fall within a 2-meter range.

  • Limitations of capacity

Facility managers can restrict or limit the number of people who can reserve workstations or desks in a floor area by using the Capacity Limit feature. Employees can book up to half of a floor’s capacity on a desk if administrators set a limit based on the number of desks they are allowed.

Getting in touch with people is easy with:

  • Beacons connected to Bluetooth

For check-in and check-out, DeskFlex Beacons use Bluetooth signals to provide location-based services. Bluetooth devices use beacons to transmit and collect data within short distances. Mobile devices will transmit their signal to the nearest Bluetooth beacon as the user moves around the building, and this data will be stored.

This information is sent to the central server by Bluetooth beacons. It keeps a record of each logged-in user’s activity within an area on a particuAn administrator can access this information. If an outbreak occurs, the admin can access this information. During contact with an infected individual, the DeskFlex office desk booking system displays all the logged in users.

The New Office Design: Rethinking Contemporary Office Dynamics

Modern workers demand an unconventional arrangement for workplace seating because the workplace is always changing. As a result of the digital business transformation, dynamic work trends have emerged that emphasize flexibility, collaboration, creativity, and productivity.

As a team, members perform their work more agilely. There are days when team members must discuss ideas together, but there are also times when team members must focus alone without distractions. A variety of workstations and desks are required for these activities. It is imperative that organizations redesign their workplaces. Facilities managers should consider providing various types of workstations to accommodate dynamic work teams. Collaboration activities, for example, require a long table where team members can sit together and discuss a project.