Finding the right developer for your company app can be as tricky as hiring the right person for a role. You have to make sure your work styles and ethics are compatible, and there is a lot of sunken time if you get the decision wrong.
Use these quick tips to help you choose your app development company and make sure they’re suitable for you.
Check Their Credentials
You’ve searched Google using the term “best app development company” and clicked the first link. Job done, right?
Top of the search result doesn’t necessarily mean the best. Browse a few websites and make some notes about their accreditations. Look for awards that show the company knows its stuff.
ISO27001, NIST, Company of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, etc. Awards and accreditations show a dedication to proving they are the best. If a company is the best, they’ll undoubtedly want you to know about it.
What Do Customers Think?
While you’re still on your Google search page, check their customer reviews. Are they happy, or are they mentioning little problems they could improve?
Improvement areas aren’t always bad, but if the problem area is something of a deal breaker to you, it’s best to walk away at this point.
Now move on to their website. Are there any portfolio evidence and testimonials from their customers? If not, ask for references from other customers to get an idea of what kind of service they provide.
You’re using these tools to see how their customers speak about their service and if it would suit your style of working. This approach is absolutely crucial when choosing to work with any supplier.
Are They Based In Canada?
As a Canadian company, it’s essential to choose a Canadian mobile app development company.
Not only are you supporting Canadian businesses and the economic recovery from the pandemic, but you’re also choosing a company that is familiar with all the Canadian laws and legislation.
Choosing a European company could work out cheaper, but they will be more familiar with their economic regulations, like GDPR, than those laid out by the Canadian government.
Plus, who wants to work around those pesky time zones? Be smart and choose Canadian!
You want to be sure your chosen supplier is innovating, not stagnating. Companies that don’t want to learn more or push their current knowledge further end up developing stale and outdated apps to match their state.
With so many new apps hitting the app stores each year, app development companies must stay at the top of their game and experiment with new technologies.
Working with new concepts and ideas is also a great way to drive creativity at the development company. So, you’re likely to get a more interesting and exciting app for your customers to enjoy.
Check their awards, accolades and website for evidence of innovative concepts and projects. Or ask their team for a quick run-down of their innovation policy. Extra points if they sound excited talking about it!