What Makes a Good Salesperson? Look Out for These 7 Traits

What Makes a Good Salesperson? Look Out for These 7 Traits

Sales skills are vital to almost all business ventures, but not everyone is cut out for this work. Finding a good salesperson is essential when you want the candidate to help your company achieve its goals.

You need to have the proper knowledge when you want to identify a suitable candidate to add to your team, but it isn’t always easy to identify a qualified salesperson. Take some time to discover the common traits that the most successful and productive salespeople share.


A good salesperson needs to be goal-oriented to succeed in their role. The best way to find a goal-oriented candidate is by consulting a sales recruitment agency, who can help you find the ideal person to fill the salesperson role in your company.

When looking for one of the best Toronto sales recruiters with extensive experience in the field, find out how many recruitment projects the firm has completed since its inception. Sales Talent Agency has completed over 12,000 projects in 15 years, which illustrates their ability to identify goal-oriented salespeople that could contribute vastly to your company’s growth.

Networking Ability

An efficient salesperson needs to possess the ability to network with different groups of people. This allows them to create relationships with people, which is necessary when attempting to advertise your company’s products and services. A candidate who is good at networking needs to have a positive attitude, must be approachable, and trustworthy. When you interview sales candidates, try to identify how sincere they seem, as authenticity plays a crucial rule in one’s networking abilities.


Salespeople need to maintain a healthy level of competitiveness when helping their company stand out. The desire to be more successful can motivate the salesperson and drive them to do better, which can benefit your business.

According to research, people who show more competitive behavior tend to outperform others and are more likely to do their best at work, resulting in better job performance. However, it’s crucial to ensure that the level of competitiveness in your potential sales employee is healthy and doesn’t risk your company’s credibility. Competitiveness can be unhealthy when an individual engages in unfair practices to keep from losing. If a salesperson starts forming alliances or hoarding information for personal success, you may need to take measures to stop the unhealthy habits from escalating.


Empathy is a prerequisite to excellent customer service, allowing the salesperson to truly under their clients while helping your company expand. A salesperson needs to be customer-focused, allowing them to create relationships with your target audience and attract a broader range of customers. Empathy will allow the salesperson to find common ground with customers and find ways for your company to develop effective strategies for growth, and your target market is more likely to trust your products or service.


Creativity can help salespeople offer solutions to a wide range of problems. Sometimes, specific sales tactics followed by companies for years don’t always offer the best outcomes. Your salesperson must think outside the box and be creative during this time. This may include creative thinking, being resourceful, and making the best of the situation.

Active Listener

It’s necessary for a salesperson to be constantly engaged with your company and your clients, which requires them to be active listeners. It can be challenging for a salesperson to actually sell your products or services without the ability to listen and comprehend what customers want.

Well Prepared

It’s not always easy to persuade customers and close the deal, so a salesperson needs to be prepared for every situation. A successful salesperson will use every resource available to prepare for each call and meeting. Knowing all about your company, the market, and the target market allows the salesperson to tailor each pitch or presentation accordingly, increasing the chances of landing a sale.

A qualified salesperson can add immense value to your team, so you need to find a candidate with all the above traits to help your company grow.